Steering group

Tatiana Chemi

Associate Professor Department of Culture and Learning, Aalborg University

Nikki Fairchild

Associate Professor in Creative Methodology and Education, University of Porthsmouth, UK

Karin Hannes

Research Group SoMeTHin'K (Social, Methodological and Theoretical Innovation / Kreative)
Faculty of Social Sciences
KU Leuven
- Belgium -

Philia Issari

Associate Professor of Counselling Psychology
Director of the "Centre for Qualitative Research in Psychology and Psychosocial Well-being"
- Greece -

Jonathan Wyatt

Senior Lecturer & Director of Counselling
Psychotherapy and Applied Social Sciences
School of Health in Social Sciences
- United Kingdom -

Marco Gemignani

Associate Professor of Psychology
- Spain -

Angelo Benozzo

Senior lecturer in Work and Organizational Psychology
Associate Editor of Qualitative Research in Organization and Management
- Italy -

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